Legislator Laura Curran, in partnership with Friends of Freeport, is hosting a cleanup of the beautiful Brookside Preserve.
(Baldwin & Freeport, NY) – Legislator Laura Curran is set to sponsor a cleanup of the Brookside Preserve that runs along the Baldwin and Freeport border on Saturday, October 10th. The cleanup of the Baldwin side will start at NOON, and volunteers will be meeting at the end of Lorenz Ave., at Brookwood Dr. The cleanup of the Freeport side of the Preserve will commence at 1 PM at the entrance on Brookside Ave., opposite Terrace Ave. Volunteers should wear protective clothing (long sleeves and pants) and bring gloves. “The Brookside Preserve is a hidden gem in Nassau County and we are lucky to have it in our backyard,” said Legislator Laura Curran. “I am looking forward to this cleanup, to keep the preserve beautiful for everyone to enjoy, and for the native flora and fauna that is found there.”
Legislator Curran encourages everyone to help clean up the Brookside Preserve. For more information about this or any other issues contact Legislator Curran’s office at (516) 571-6205 or lcurran@nassaucountyny.gov.