(BALDWIN, N.Y.) – Nassau County Legislator Debra Mulé (D – Freeport) is encouraging Nassau County residents to step up to the plate to save a life at the New York Blood Center’s upcoming blood drive from 2:30 to 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 26 at the Baldwin Public Library, 2385 Grand Avenue, Baldwin, N.Y. 11510. All donors will receive a free pair of New York Mets tickets as thanks for rolling up their sleeves.
“Long Island’s blood emergency doesn’t take a summer vacation – in fact, the American Red Cross just reported that donations plummeted by 25 percent during the month of July,” Legislator Mulé said. “That makes every donation collected all the more important, and it is so wonderful to have the Baldwin Public Library, the New York Blood Center, and the Mets teaming up for this urgent appeal. Let’s work together and hit a home run for our community!”
Eligible donors must have an ID with a signature or a photo, weigh at least 110 pounds, have had no tattoos in the last 12 months and be ages 16-75 years of age (16-year-old donors must have parental consent. Donors over age 76 must bring a doctor’s note.) O-negative and B-negative donors are especially needed in addition to all other blood types.
Mets ticket vouchers will be sent by email; registrants are urged to ensure their email is entered correctly for seamless delivery.
Appointments are preferred but not required; walk-ins will be taken as capacity permits. Visit https://donate.nybc.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/325042 to reserve a spot, or call Sharon at 516-790-1644 to make an appointment.