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Legislative District 11

Posted on: June 5, 2020

[ARCHIVED] DeRiggi-Whitton Meets with Village of Sea Cliff Officials As Work on $8Million Sewer Upgrade

Legislator DeRiggi Whitton - Sea Cliff Sewer Update

(SEA CLIFF, N.Y.) - Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D - Glen Cove) met with Village of Sea Cliff officials on Friday, May 29 to observe the initial stages of an approximately $8-million sewer infrastructure upgrade project.

In total, the project will yield approximately 5,850 linear feet of new sanitary sewers under portions of Sea Cliff’s Prospect, 12th, and Summit Avenues as well as Fairview Place. Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton and Sea Cliff village officials discussed the project with workers implementing improvements that will connect the new infrastructure to the Glen Cove Wastewater Treatment Plant via an existing gravity sewer under Glen Cove’s Carpenter Avenue.

Earlier this year, Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton secured passage of an inter-municipal agreement that empowered the village to tap into approximately $4 million in Nassau County capital plan funding for the project. These funds will supplement $3 million in state grants and approximately $1 million in village resources.

“On behalf of the Village of Sea Cliff, I wish to thank our County Legislator, Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, for her outstanding leadership towards our village’s ongoing sanitary sewer project,” Village of Sea Cliff Mayor Edward Lieberman said. “Her persistence in spearheading efforts in obtaining funding for not only the original Sea Cliff Avenue sewer line, but also the present project to hook up that line, is a testament to her dedication to our village and its environmental well-being.”

Village officials anticipate the Prospect Street portion of the upgrades will be completed by the end of the summer, with the remainder expected to culminate during the first quarter of 2021. Village officials are working closely with local utilities to maximize efficiency and minimize disruption for residents and business owners.

“It takes real teamwork to make this type of project happen,” Sea Cliff Village Administrator Bruce Kennedy said. “It has taken years of planning and coordination to bring this work to fruition, and Delia is a real partner with the local governments that she serves. She and I have been working for many years to make this sustainable and environmentally sound project a reality. The Village is also grateful to the Legislature and the County Executive for their vital assistance.”

“Smart investments in sewer infrastructure across Nassau County will continue to yield tremendous environmental, economic, and quality-of-life improvements for our residents and small business owners,” Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton said. “I am glad to see that this work is underway, and am grateful to have had this opportunity to facilitate a productive partnership between the village and Nassau County.”

The Legislator added: “Mayor Lieberman and Sea Cliff Village Administrator Kennedy deserve tremendous credit for working so diligently over several years to secure multiple sources of funding and coordinate with various utilities to bring this project to fruition. While it has been no easy task, their hard work will reap benefits for Sea Cliff residents for many years to come.”

PHOTO CAPTION - From left: Sea Cliff Mayor Edward Lieberman; Graziano Zara, Chief of Field Operations for Araz Industries; Sea Cliff Village Administrator Bruce Kennedy; Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton and Fred Hoeffner, Senior Inspector for D&B Engineers and Architects, at a work site on Carpenter Avenue off Prospect Street on Friday, May 29.

Photo by Peter M. Budraitis

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