News Flash

Legislative District 11

Posted on: June 25, 2024

Whitton – Blakeman Administration Meddles in Legislative Power to Choose Official Newspapers

(MINEOLA, N.Y.) – On Monday, June 24, the Nassau County Legislature voted along party lines to amend the Nassau County Charter to alter how the County selects its official newspapers for the publication of legal notices. The measure inserts the County Executive to the process, and eliminates language requiring for “the two major political parties comprising the membership of the legislative body” to be considered in the designation of an official newspaper – both of which directly contradict powers granted to local Legislatures under New York State law.

Following today’s action, Nassau County Legislature Minority leader Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D – Glen Cove) issued the following statement:

“Since the inception of the Nassau County Legislature in 1996, the section of the Charter governing the selection of official newspapers has mirrored New York State law. It should be a warning sign for all of us that the County Executive is seeking to curtail the Legislature’s clearly delineated powers by needlessly inserting himself into this process and striking language ensuring it remains a bipartisan endeavor,” Nassau County Legislature Minority Leader Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D – Glen Cove) said. “Not only is this another troubling attempt to erode the separation of powers between the Executive and Legislative branches, any curtailment of legislative powers must be subjected to a permissive referendum. That makes today’s vote a recipe for yet another lawsuit targeting the County that taxpayers will end up footing the bill for.”

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