News Flash

Legislative District 11

Posted on: May 11, 2021

Manorhaven Boulevard Road Resurfacing Project Moving Forward, Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton Announces

(MANORHAVEN, N.Y.) - The Rules committee of the Nassau County Legislature voted unanimously on Monday, May 10 to advance the Manorhaven Boulevard road resurfacing project by approving a $3,590,062 resurfacing construction contract with J. Anthony Enterprises, Inc.

In addition to resurfacing a stretch of Manorhaven Boulevard from Shore Road to Kirkwood Road, the capital project includes but is not limited to the installation of benches, lighting, trash receptacles, bus shelters, drainage structures, curbs, trees sidewalks, ADA-compliant ramps, driveway aprons, new pavement markings, new traffic signals, traffic loops, and more. The Village of Manorhaven’s municipal parking lot will also be resurfaced and benefit from drainage improvements. Officials said that special care will be taken to preserve living trees and other foliage in a manner that is consistent with the community’s bucolic quality of life. County officials stated a Notice to Proceed with the project is on track to be issued as early as this fall.

“After years of working collaboratively and diligently with community stakeholders, I am delighted that we are quickly approaching the start of this long-awaited investment in Manorhaven’s future prosperity and beauty,” Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton said. “I’d thankful for Mayor Avena’s partnership in this effort, and the efforts of the Village’s Tree Commission for issuing guidance that resulted in all but four trees being saved in the final resurfacing plan. We are all looking forward to getting this project done right so that its many benefits can be enjoyed by village residents and visitors for years to come.”

Nassau County has committed $6 million in resources toward the long-awaited infrastructure project. Part of those funds are drawn from a $600,000 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant that legislators voted unanimously to allocate toward the project on Monday, April 26. In separate action that same day, the County also authorized the County to pursue $1.1 million in bonding for the Manorhaven Boulevard project as part of its larger $49.2-million bond ordinance.

“Manorhaven is grateful to Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton and the County for sharing our vision for the Village and investing in this important project,” Village of Manorhaven Mayor Jim Avena said. “Between paving Manorhaven Boulevard, sidewalk and curb repairs, lamp posts, benches, and other improvements, Port Washington’s second main street will look spectacular!”

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