Statement from Deputy Minority Leader Arnold W. Drucker on Delayed Implementation of Congestion Pricing
(MINEOLA, N.Y.) – On Wednesday, June 5, Nassau County Legislature Deputy Minority Leader Arnold W. Drucker (D – Plainview) issued the following statement:
“I concur with Governor Hochul’s decision to delay the implementation of congestion pricing,” Nassau County Legislature Deputy Minority Leader Arnold W. Drucker (D – Plainview) said. “While it is important to consider every option at our disposal for bolstering mass transit and protecting our environment, congestion pricing would have resulted in an unacceptably disparate impact upon Nassau County residents if implemented in its current form.”
“Congestion pricing should not go into effect until the MTA meets several targets,” Deputy Minority Leader Drucker added. “They must ensure that the people who are being asked to pay more will immediately benefit from increased mass transit service. Nassau residents must be included in discount programs that train ticket holders in the Five Boroughs currently benefit from - and Long Islanders are inexplicably excluded from. Finally, we must reduce the impact upon EMT workers, teachers, law enforcement professionals and other first responders - many of whom reside in Nassau County - because they are essential to public safety and should not be shouldering the cost.”