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Legislative District 11

Posted on: November 10, 2021

LETTER TO THE EDITOR - Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton: Good Riddance to NY American Water

Good Riddance to NY American Water


I applaud Governor Hochul for signing legislation sponsored by Senator Jim Gaughran that brings us an important step closer to public water - and most importantly, financial relief - for the residents of Sea Cliff and neighboring communities.

For years, New York American Water has overcharged, underserved, and taken advantage of its ratepayers. They have prioritized their own bottom line over delivering an essential, life-sustaining public utility in an affordable and responsible manner. This is the same company that, under cover of the COVID-19 pandemic, added a million-dollar shed to plans for a water treatment plant at its Roslyn Drive facility without the input of rate payers, elected officials or key stakeholders. It took a public outcry to shame them into restoring the plan to its original cost.

Senator Gaughran’s legislation establishes a clear path forward as we seek to establish the North Shore Water District and free residents from New York American Water’s reign of error. I am grateful for his leadership, thankful for Assemblyman Chuck Lavine’s support in guiding this through the Assembly, and always proud to stand with the advocates whose tireless efforts made this victory a reality.

Nassau County Legislator (LD 11)
Glen Cove, N.Y.

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