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Legislative District 11

Posted on: February 17, 2021

[ARCHIVED] DeRiggi-Whitton, and Partners Encourage NY American Water Ratepayers to Attend Feb. 23 Meeting

(SEA CLIFF and GLEN HEAD, N.Y.) - Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D - Glen Cove) and her state and local government colleagues are encouraging Sea Cliff Water District customers to weigh in on the issue of public water during an upcoming New York State forum.

Governor Cuomo recently announced that New York State’s Department of Public Service will host hosting three virtual public forums related to the feasibility of a public takeover of New York American Water. The first forum, set for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 23, is slated to focus upon the Sea Cliff Water District.

“Under New York American Water control, Sea Cliff Water District customers have had no recourse when faced with increasingly exorbitant water bills,” Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton said. “By establishing public control of this precious natural resource, we have an opportunity to put an end to the profiteering that ratepayers have endured. I am glad that Governor Cuomo recognizes the urgent need to bring public water to Glen Head and Sea Cliff residents.”     

“For too long, New York American Water has preyed on the customers of Nassau County, gouging them for the most basic service - water,” New York State Senator Jim Gaughran (D - Northport) said. “I welcome the State hearings and look forward to continuing our rigorous efforts to establish public water in the Sea Cliff and Glen Head communities.”

“Municipalization is the only way to bring about an end to New York American Water’s exploitation of Sea Cliff and Glen Head residents,” New York State Assembly Member Charles D. Lavine (D - Glen Cove) said. “I encourage residents to avail themselves of this important opportunity to advocate for reforms that will usher in the creation of a public water utility that prioritizes its customers, not profits.” 

“I am gratified that Governor Cuomo is taking this issue seriously,” Sea Cliff Village Administrator Bruce Kennedy said. “For far too long, NYAW ratepayers have been taken advantage of. There is no way that a private conglomerate can provide safer, more affordable water than a publicly run municipal water district. Evidence of this can be found simply by comparing the rates and service of the Jericho Water District to that of NYAW. As Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton has pointed out, the shareholders of NY American Water have seen the stock soar 500 percent since they came into the North Shore - while our water rates have followed that trend. I urge all ratepayers of the Sea Cliff NYAW district to actively participate in the public hearings and let Albany know that we demand parity with our Jericho neighbors and municipalization of our drinking water.”

Click here for documents related to New York American Water (Case Number 20-W-0102). These documents include the Feb. 12 public notice for the hearing, which contains log-in information for the Feb. 23 forum (bottom of page 2 and beginning of page 3 of the public notice).

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