News Flash

Legislative District 11

Posted on: December 18, 2023

Minority Caucus Opposes Blakeman Administration Plan to Earmark $10M in Federal COVID Relief Funds

WHEN – Monday, Dec. 18, 2023; Legislative meeting begins at 2 p.m.

WHERE – Theodore Roosevelt Executive & Legislative Building

1550 Franklin Avenue (Peter J. Schmitt Memorial Legislative Chamber) Mineola, N.Y. 11501

WHAT - During the meeting of the full Nassau County Legislature scheduled for Monday, Dec. 18, the Legislature is expected to vote on controversial proposal in which the Blakeman administration would earmark $10 million in federal pandemic relief money, allocated through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), toward the funding and promotion galas, parades, and other events to be held in celebration of Nassau County’s 125th anniversary next year.

The measure passed through Legislative committees on Monday, Dec. 4 following party-line votes in both the Finance and Rules committees, with the Democratic Minority’s members in opposition. Ahead of Monday’s anticipated full Legislature vote, Nassau County Legislature Minority Leader-elect Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D – Glen Cove) issued the following statement:

“For months, more than $12 million in itemized ARPA requests to support organizations that promote public safety, fight hunger, combat homelessness, support small businesses, and enhance youth services have languished with the Blakeman administration,” Nassau County Legislature Minority Leader-elect Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D Glen Cove) said. “The fact that $10 million for lavish 125th anniversary galas, parades and marketing is ready to fly through the legislature shows just out of touch the administration is with the needs and interests of everyday Nassau residents. It is the latest glaring example of how County Executive Blakeman is continuing to exploit federal recovery funds to promote himself and feed his own ego instead of meeting the needs of Nassau County's residents."

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