Permits & Fees

Permit TypeFee Amount
Aerial Photos (Scale of 1 inch to 200 inches) (per sheet)$20.00
Building Permit Review - 239F (Initial Review)$1500.00
Building Permit Review - 239F (Resubmission)$740.00
Dumpster Permit - (Must provide copy of insurance policy)$418.00
Dye Test (Lowest possible)$160.00 to $800.00
Dye Test (Highest possible)$800.00
GPS Monument Books (Benchmarks)$550.00
Hauling Permit (Must provide copy of insurance policy) (PDF)$150.00
Industrial Waste Discharge Permit$213.00
Plans and Specifications$300.00
Each project
Reproduction of Maps (per square foot)$18.00
Reproduction of Sewer Maps (per sheet)$126.00
Road Opening Permit Application - Residential (Including curb cuts) (Fee includes deposit) (Mail completed Road Opening Form) Road Opening Permit Application Form-Residential (PDF)
2016 Rules & Regulation Updates (PDF)
Road Opening Inspection - Residential$460.00 + deposit
Road Opening Permit Application - Commercial (Including curb cuts) (Fee includes deposit) (Mail completed Road Opening Form)
Road Opening Permit Application Form-Commercial (PDF)
2016 Rules & Regulation Updates (PDF)
Road Opening Inspection - Commercial$920.00 + deposit
Scavenger Waste (Bay Park only) (per 1,000 gallons)$53.00
Sewer Permit
(Mail completed Sewer Permit Form) Sewer Permit Application Form (PDF)
Sewer Permit Inspection$399.00
Sidewalk Permit - Residential ONLY
(Mail completed Sidewalk Permit Form) Sidewalk Construction Application Form (PDF)
Special Event Temporary Road Closure PermitN/A
Special Permits (Commercial) (Lowest possible)$160.00 to $800.00
+2% estimated construction cost
Special Permits (Commercial) (Highest possible; 2% estimated construction cost included)$800.00
Standard Specifications (Civil engineering and site development construction)$520.00 Each
Standard Specifications (Traffic and sewer)$160.00
Subdivision Plan Review (Initial review; additional $300 per lot)$7,000.00 + $300.00 per lot
Subdivision Plan Review (Resubmission)$700.00
Temporary Banner over County Road Permit
Verification of Permit Connection or Spur Location (each)$95.00
Out of District -Equalization Charge Fee per Gallon per Day of Flow see below Flow Rates per structure
Minimum Design Sewage Flow Rates
For Department Use in Determining flow
Structure or Establishment
Design Sewage Flow Rate
Single Family Residence
300 Gals. Per Day (gpd)
Two-Family Residence
600 gpd
One Bedroom Apartment/Condo
200 gpd/unit
Additional Bedrooms
100 gpd/bedroom
Motel Unit less than 400 sf
100 gpd/unit
Motel Unit more than 400 sf
150 gpd/unit
Boarding School/Rooming House
75 gpd/capita
60 gpd/site
Industrial Space
0.04 gpd/sf
Non-Medical Office Space
0.06 gpd/sf
3 gpd/seat + food
Bowling Alley/Tennis Court
100 gpd/court or lane
Skating/Sporting Facility
15 gpd/capita + food
5 gpd/capita + food
Country Club
0.30 gpd/sf
Medical Arts
0.10 gpd/sf
300 gpd/bed
Nursing Home
150 gpd/bed
Assisted Living
100 gpd/bedroom
Drug Rehabilitation
100 gpd/bed
Mental Health Residence
75 gpd/bed
30 gpd/seat
Wet Store (food processing)
0.15 gpd/sf
Wet Store no food (Salon, Spa, etc.)
0.10 gpd/sf
Dry Store
0.03 gpd/sf
15 gpd/capita + food
Catering Hall
15 gpd/capita
0.05 gpd/sf
1.50 gpd/capita
Beach w/ Bath House
10 gpd/capita
Cafeteria (School or Office etc.)
2.50 gpd/capita
0.03 gpd/sf
0.03 gpd/sf
Funeral Home
0.05 gpd/sf
15 gpd/slip
16 cycles/machine/day
Health Club/Gym
0.15 gpd/sf