News Flash

Legislative District 01

Posted on: July 3, 2024

Legislators Davis and Koslow Attend Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund event at Old Westbury Country Club

Koslow and Davis - Scott Beigel Memorial Fund 1

On Tuesday, June 112024, Nassau County Legislators Scott M. Davis (D – Rockville Centre) and Seth I. Koslow (D – Merrick) attended the Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund “Dreams, Wishes and Vegas” fundraiser at the Old Westbury Country Club.

The Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization created in response to the tragic loss of Scott J. Beigel, the geography teacher and cross-country coach at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 innocent people died from gun violence. The fund provides camperships to send at-risk, underserved children touched by gun violence to summer sleep-away camp. 

Koslow and Davis - Scott Beigel Memorial Fund 2

All photos courtesy Office of the Minority Caucus.

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