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Legislative District 03

Posted on: June 30, 2023

[ARCHIVED] Solages - Supreme Court’s Gutting of Affirmative Action ‘Miscarriage of Justice’

(MINEOLA, N.Y.) – The following is a statement from Nassau County Legislator Carrié Solages (D – Lawrence)

“Today's decision by the Supreme Court to ban the use of affirmative action in college admissions will have a devastating impact upon the future of our country,” Nassau County Legislator Carrié Solages (D – Lawrence) said. “I am the proud product of an affirmative action program that allowed me to attend Georgetown University. Without this opportunity, I would not have been able to accomplish what I have during the last 20 years. My Georgetown education has empowered me to pursue and win public office and support my family as an attorney in private practice.”

“Make no mistake – this is a devastating blow to our society, and my heart goes out to every young person who is now uncertain of what their future will hold. However, I ask you to maintain hope,” Legislator Solages added. “If you have been a beneficiary of any affirmative action program that sought to balance the racial, ethnic and gender makeup of a school or workplace like I have been, I urge you to join me in standing up to defend the merits of policies that seek to address centuries of institutionalized discrimination.”

“This is a stark reminder of how important local and state elections are. If you are not already, I implore you to register to vote and become an engaged participant in the future of our nation,” Legislator Solages concluded.

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