As mandated by N.Y. State under Article 16 of the Agriculture & Markets Law, the Weights and Measures Division performs mechanical testing, inspections, and sealing of all weighing and measuring devices used commercially or in public agencies to ensure accuracy and full measure for the consumer. Also operates under the following laws:
- Local Law 2-1970: Unfair, deceptive and unconscionable trade practices especially in food markets, gasoline stations and fuel oil deliveries.
- Local Law 7-1976: Dating of perishable foods.
- Local Law 1-1982: Fuel delivery vehicle identification.
- Local Law 3-1982: Excess water in motor fuels.
- Local Law 11-1991: Item pricing and scanner accuracy.Article 17 of N.Y.S. Agriculture & Markets Law: Labeling of meats, item pricing & scanner.
- Local Law 8-1985: Gasoline Adulteration.
- Local Law 5-1989: Posting of Tax Exempt items in food stores.
Issues violations and participates in hearings.Also responsible for the following functions:
- Check weight of prepackaged commodities. Test gasoline for alcohol content. Provides information to courts and other agencies. Represent office and testify at County and State hearings.Conduct field investigations. Mediate and resolve consumer complaints. Conduct price surveys of supermarkets, gasoline and fuel oil.
- Collect samples of gasoline and diesel fuel to test for octane levels, cetane levels, and compliance with Federal Clean Air Standards.