Legislators Howard J. Kopel and Denise Ford are pleased to announce that the Nassau University Medical Center Mobile Mammography Van will be coming to the 5 Towns area to provide breast cancer screenings for women over age fifty. The screening will include a breast examination by a nurse, a mammography and instructions for breast self-examination.
If it’s been at least a year since your last mammography and you are planning to receive an exam, you will need a prescription for the exam from your doctor (if you have insurance) and must provide any past exam films, if available. Women with health insurance will be required to make a co-payment. The mammography is free for uninsured women, based on eligibility guidelines.
Appointments are required and are scheduled on a First Come, First Served Basis
For additional information or to make an appointment, please call Legislator Kopel’s office at (516) 571-6207