Presiding Officer, Legislator Norma L. Gonsalves (R-East Meadow, LD 13) attended Boy Scout Troop 507’s Eagle Court of Honor for Joseph Kim which was held at The Chamsarang Korean Methodist Church in Hempstead. Joseph undertook a project to form a non-profit organization to educate the public about mosquito transmitted Malaria in Africa. He was able to obtain corporate donations to purchase mosquito nets for an orphanage in Kenya where he volunteered and served as an educator as part of his project.
“Joseph showed tremendous dedication and organizational skills to complete his project,” said Presiding Officer Gonsalves. “He has put the spotlight on a global issue and helped raise awareness of it locally. His effort to make a lasting effect on multiple communities is truly admirable. I am proud to honor him here today.”
Pictured (l-r): Eagle Scout Joseph Kim and Presiding Officer Norma Gonsalves.