The Nassau County Legislative Majority today announced its strong opposition to a bill under consideration in Albany that will raise gas taxes a whopping 55 cents to 98.12 cents per gallon, which will make New York’s gas tax 57% higher than every other state in the nation. The bill (S4264A) also increases the tax on natural gas, which will increase cost by 26 is currently being considered by the Environmental Conservation Committees in both the Senate and Assembly. If passed, the bill is expected to raise $15 billion in revenue collected by New York State through taxes and fees.
The gas tax will hit the middle class particularly hard and will increase the flight from New York, which by most account in the most heavily taxed state in the nation. The gas tax will raise the cost on everything from commuting to work to the cost of groceries and other daily expenses as trucking companies pass on the cost to the merchandise that is delivered. For seniors and the economically disadvantaged, the increased cost of fuel and natural gas will add another crushing burden as families will be forced to choose from putting food on the table to driving to work or heating their homes.
“This bill will devastate the middle class, seniors and the poor,” Said Presiding Officer Richard Nicolello “Nassau County residents already pay the highest real property taxes and some of the highest income taxes in the country. If enacted these taxes will accelerate the flight from New York and will cause extreme hardship to many residents who can least afford it. Coming on the heels of the loss of jobs and business as a result of the pandemic, these increased taxes are the worst idea yet coming out of Albany.”
Legislator Bill Gaylor responded saying, “This bill adversely hurts New Yorkers who should not be taxed simply because they drive a car to work or heat their homes. I will continue to oppose tax hikes like these creating an undue burden on our residents.