Tuesday, June 1, 2021 • 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Nassau County Legislator Tom McKevitt and the Long Island Alzheimer’s & Dementia Center are hosting a virtual event to provide important brain training information that helps bring focus to memory and attention, and targets logic and verbal skills, all in a socially friendly and entertaining setting. This hour-long program will review basics on how to better train your brain to maintain and improve cognitive functioning. It will also help answer many questions concerning the topics of Alzheimer’s and dementia from one of Long Island’s leading providers of programs and services to individuals and their families facing these issues.
To register for this event please call 516-571-6213
or follow link on my website: wwwnassaucountyny.gov/ld13
For additional information or to make an appointment, please contact
Legislator McKevitt’s office: (516) 571-6213 tmckevitt@nassaucountyny.gov