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- Social Services
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Child Care
- Looking for care for your child?
- A parent's guide to childcare options.
- Kieran's Law – Information about hiring in-home childcare.
- Looking for help paying for childcare?
- What should I do if I have a concern about the health or safety standards of a day care setting?
- Are you interested in starting a day care center?
- How do I meet training requirements as a childcare provider?
- Are you a childcare provider seeking training, professional development or other supports?
Child Protective Services
Question: Who Can Make a Report?
Anyone can make a report of Child Abuse and/or Neglect if he/she is suspicious that a child (0-18 years of age) is being neglected or abused. The report is kept confidential, and the source can be anonymous if the reporter is not mandated by law to report.
24 HR HOTLINE 1-800-342-3720
Always call 911 if a real emergency exists.
- Where can I find the laws pertaining to Child Protective Services and Social Services?
- What is a mandated reporter?
- What happens after I make a report?
- What are my rights if I am named in a report?
- How can I find out if there is any information about me in the Statewide Central Register file? How can I get my name removed from the Statewide Central Register file?
- What can I do if someone has filed a false child abuse or maltreatment report against me with the Statewide Central Register?
- At what age is it okay to leave my children without supervision?
- What visitation rights do grandparents have?
Child Support Enforcement
How is the child support rate calculated?
The New York State basic support award is paid by the non-custodial parent and the percentage is calculated based on the combined parental income, depending on how many children are involved:
1 child - 17%
2 children - 25%
3 children - 29%
4 children - 31%
5 or more at least 35%
Who makes the support orders?
In New York the nature, extent, and duration of a child support order is determined by a judge of the Supreme Court or Support Magistrate of the Family Court based on the laws of the State of New York known as the Child Support Standards Act or CSSA.
What does the support order cover?
The order covers the basic cost to care for a child. In addition, the court may add a percentage of child care, medical, and educational expenses to the basic child support amount.
How do I reach someone in child support?
If you wish to obtain further information regarding our services or need help in filing a child support petition please visit our main office located at:
Nassau County Department of Social Services
60 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard Suite #160
Uniondale, New York 11553-3656
Walk-in hours for Child Support is as follows: Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Our fax number is: (516) 227-8434.
(Please arrive before 3:15 PM if you wish to file your petition on the same day.)
Appointments are not necessary.
Emails are also accepted to Nassau County
All phone inquiries should be made to:
Child Support Customer Service Department:
Teletypewriter (TTY) number: 1-866-875-9975
Video Relay Service (VRS): VRS information
Phone calls are answered between the hours of 8:00am and 7:00pm. Monday through Friday.
For further information please call 1-888-208-4485
What do I need when I call or visit?
When calling or visiting the Child Support Enforcement office, please be prepared to provide as much information about yourself, the child(ren), and the non-custodial parent as you can.
Provide the non-custodial parent's:
- full name and date of birth.
- current or last known address and phone number.
- social security number (look on old pay stubs, tax, military, or medical records).
- income information (tax records, pay stubs, bank and business records).
Provide other Supporting Documentation:
- Personal Identification
- Birth Certificate(s) of child(ren) to be included in the support order
- Signed acknowledgment of paternity or order of filiation for each child to be included in the support order (as applicable)
- Your marriage license.
- Signed divorce decree, separation agreement, and any stipulations (if applicable)
- Any signed child support orders you may have (certified copies are preferred, if possible)
- Any child support payment records that you may have
- Your income information (tax records, pay stubs, bank records)
- Information about your child-related expenses (child care) and the child's special (medical and educational) needs.
Please note you will be asked to submit four (4) copies of all supporting documentation if a petition is filed.
On-line Child Support Information
Additional information can also be obtained by visiting the New York State Child Support website
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
How do I know if I am eligible for HEAP?
How do I apply for HEAP?
Or contact:
- NYS HEAP Hotline at 1-800-342-3009
- Nassau County Office for the Aging (those 60 years of age and older can apply here) (516) 227-7386
- Other Certifiers: EAC, Inc.
(516) 565-4327
How much help can I receive?
Benefits are available for both regular and emergency HEAP as well as Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement. The benefit amounts differ from year to year.
What if I do not agree with the agency's decision regarding my eligibility?
You can request a Fair Hearing and/or reapply
What do I do if a voucher is sent to the wrong vendor?
Contact the vendor and request that the benefit be returned to Social Services. A duplicate benefit cannot be issued until the refund has been received.
- January 2013: Important Notice to Medicaid Recipients Regarding Medicaid Coverage of Orthopedic Footwear and Compression Stockings
- What is Medicaid?
- What is the Medicaid State Plan?
- How do I know if I qualify for Medicaid?
- How do I apply for Medicaid?
- What do I need to apply for Medicaid?
- If I think I am eligible for Medicaid, should I cancel any other health insurance I might already have?
- How do I know if my income and resources qualify me for Medicaid?
- Can I be eligible for Medicaid even if I make more money than the chart shows?
- Can I get reimbursed for medical bills I paid?
- What is the Medicaid Excess Income Program?
- How long does it take to get Medicaid?
- What are my rights?
- How do I request a Fair Hearing?
- Will there be a lien (legal claim) placed on my estate (my assets) when I die?
- What health services are covered by Medicaid?
- Will I have to pay co-payments?
- What is a Medicaid managed care program?
- What does managed care cover?
- Do I have to join a managed care plan?
- Where can I find information on the new Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program?
- What is the Medicaid Buy-In Program for Working People with Disabilities?
- I just want Family Planning Benefits. How do I apply?
- I want to know more about Family Health Plus.
- I want to know more about Child Health Plus.
For current Medicaid beneficiaries:
- What is a community spouse?
- I am a community spouse. Will I be allowed to keep any income or resources?
- How do I order a new Benefit card?
- How often do I have to renew?
- What do I have to do if I move from one county to another?
- I'm pregnant, how do I get a card for my baby?
- How do I report Medicaid Fraud?
For those subject to a resource test:
- What are resources?
- Can I still keep part of my income if I am in a nursing home (Residential Health Care Facility) or in an intermediate care facility for the developmentally disabled?
- What is a "look-back" period?
- What is a life estate? Will it make me ineligible?
- Am I allowed to have a pre-paid burial fund?
Temporary Assistance
- What is Temporary Assistance (TA)?
- What are the two major Temporary Assistance programs?
- Is there a limit on how long I can get TANF-Funded Temporary Assistance?
- What is an Emergency?
- How Do I Apply for Temporary Assistance?
- How do I file a discrimination complaint about a temporary assistance program?
- Temporary Assistance Source Book
How do I know if I am eligible for temporary assistance?
To find out if you are eligible to receive Temporary Assistance, including help with an emergency, you need to file an application with your county Department of Social Services or, if you live in one of the five boroughs of New York City, with your local Job Center.
You can find the location of your local Department of Social Services online, or by calling the toll-free New York State Temporary Assistance Hotline at 1-800-342-3009.
You must fill out the application form (PDF) and file it at your local department of Social Services. You should identify any emergency needs you may have at this time. If you have an emergency, you will be interviewed and told in writing about the decision on your emergency the same day you apply.
For Temporary Assistance, your interview should be within seven working days of your filing an application. You should be told within 30 days of the date you filed your application if your application for Family Assistance is approved or denied; be told within 45 days of the date you filed your application for Safety Net Assistance if your application is approved or denied.
You DO NOT have to be eligible for ongoing Temporary Assistance to receive Emergency Assistance.
Medical Transportation
How do I know if I am eligible for medical transportation?
You may be eligible for medical transportation if you are Medicaid eligible and traveling to a medical provider for a service/treatment that is Medicaid billable. All non-emergency transportation must be pre-approved. If you are enrolled in a Managed Care plan or a Managed Long Term Care Plan you should contact your plan first to determine if transportation is provided. If it is not provided or if you are not enrolled in a plan you may call Nassau County's Transportation Coordination vendor, LogistiCare Solutions at 1-877-813-5602 for information and assistance.
What if I do not agree with the agency's decision regarding my eligibility?
If you have been denied transportation services you may appeal by contacting the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Services fair hearing department by phone or fax. The contact information will be on your denial notice.
Contact Us
José L. López
CommissionerNassau County Department of Social Services
60 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard
Uniondale, NY 11553-3656
On-line DirectionsGeneral Information:
After-Hours Services:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED 2025
- Wed, 2/12 for Lincoln’s Birthday
- Mon, 2/17 for Washington’s Birthday
- Mon, 5/26 for Memorial Day
- Fri, 7/4 for Independence Day
- Mon, 9/1 for Labor Day
- Mon, 10/13 for Columbus Day
- Tues, 11/4 for Election Day
- Tues, 11/11 for Veterans Day
- Thurs, 11/27 for Thanksgiving Day
- Fri, 11/28 for Friday after Thanksgiving
- Thurs, 12/25 for Christmas Day