Swim Lessons

Children’s Swim Lessonskidsinpool_002

The Aquatic Center offers American Red Cross certified swim lessons for children ages six months through teens. Classes are usually offered seven days a week with morning and afternoon classes available. We offer summer, fall, winter, and spring sessions with each session running approximately 10 weeks long. Each class meets once per week for 10 weeks. Lessons are offered to Nassau County residents only and you must have a leisure pass.

Registration will start on Saturday, March 1st, 9am. Registration will be online only for the first 24 hours. Both online and “in person” registration will be available starting Sunday, March 2nd.  Online registration is strongly encouraged, and all registration will end one week after classes start. Classes start on Monday March 3rd. See attachment for directions.

2025-26 Spring Lesson & Aquatic Fitness Schedule

Spring 2025 Online Registration Instructions

Registration link: https://secure.rec1.com/NY/nassau-county-ny/catalog

Children’s Swim Lesson Descriptions

Infant / Toddler (6 months - 36 months): Introduce basic water skills and aquatic safety, provide a positive learning environment, encourage purposeful motion in the water, promote parent-child interaction, and have fun in an aquatic environment. An adult is required to be in the water with the child. There are 10 children per class, and classes are 30 minutes long.

Swim with Me (3-4 years old): A parent and child program designed for 3-4 year olds who have a fear of the water or separation anxiety. The program will begin as an infant / toddler program and will slowly transition to a preschool level. Each child’s needs will be addressed as the transition is made.

Preschool Level 1 (3-5 years old): A beginner level aquatic program designed to help students feel comfortable in the water and enjoy the water safely. There are eight children per class, and classes are 30 minutes long. Preschool Level 2 (3-5 years old): A child must be able to put his/her face in the water, kick front and back, and have alternating arm action. The child will learn rhythmic breathing, combined stroke on front and back, and personal safety and rescue skills. There are eight children per class, and classes are 30 minutes long.

Preschool Level 3 (3-5 years old): A child must be able to perform combined stroke on front and back for at least 5 yards, turn from front to back while swimming, perform rhythmic breathing, and be comfortable in deep water. A child will learn to refine his/her stroke for front and back crawl, be introduced to elementary backstroke, be introduced to diving, and develop more personal safety and rescue skills. There are eight children per class, and classes are 30 minutes long.

Level 1 (ages 6 - 14): Introduction to Water Skills - A beginner-level aquatic program designed to help students feel comfortable in the water and enjoy the water safely. There are 10 children per class, and classes are 45 minutes long.

Level 2 (ages 6 - 14): Fundamental Aquatic Skills - A child must be able to put his/her face in the water, kick front and back, and have alternating and symmetrical arm action. At this level the child will learn rhythmic breathing, combined stroke on front and back, and personal safety and rescue skills. There are 10 children per class, and classes are 45 minutes long.

Level 3 (ages 6 - 14): Stroke Development - A child must be able to perform combined stroke on front, back, and side for at least 10 yards; turn from front to back while swimming; perform rhythmic breathing; and be comfortable in deep water. A child will learn to refine his/her stroke for front and back crawl, be introduced to elementary backstroke, be introduced to diving, and develop more personal safety and rescue skills. There are 10 children per class, and classes are 45 minutes long.

Level 4 (ages 6 - 14): Stroke Improvement - A child must be able to swim front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, and butterfly kick for 15 yards each, and perform a kneeling or compact dive. A child will continue to refine basic strokes, improve endurance, be introduced to breaststroke, sidestroke, open turns, and develop more personal safety and rescue skills. There are 10 children per class, and classes are 45 minutes long. Level 5 (ages 6 years - teens) : Stroke Refinement - A child must be able to swim front and back crawl for 25 yards; elementary backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and sidestroke for 15 yards; and perform a standing front dive. A child will continue to refine his/her strokes and improve endurance, be introduced to the dolphin kick, diving progressions, and develop more advanced personal safety and rescue skills. There are 10 children per class, and classes are 45 minutes long.

Level 6 (ages 6 - 14): Swimming and Skill Proficiency - A child must be able to swim front and back crawl for 50 yards and elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly for 25 yards. A child will continue to refine strokes and improve endurance for front crawl, back crawl, sidestroke, and breaststroke; and will be introduced to flip turns, advanced diving skills, and advanced rescue techniques. There are 10 children per class, and classes are 45 minutes long. 

Teen / Adult Swim Instruction

Beginner 1 (ages 13 & up)
If you are a beginner or do not feel comfortable on the water, this is the program for you. Our experience and patient instructors will work with you in a small group setting to teach the basic swimming skills and provide individual attention in a safe and nurturing atmosphere.
10 people per class   60 minutes long

Beginner 2 (ages 13 & up)
Designed to learn swimming skills and learning moment in the water few basic strokes along with breathing techniques.
10 people per class   60 minutes long

Beginner 3 (ages 13 & up)
Preparing to learn swimming skills in deep water, continuing breathing techniques and building endurance.
10 people per class   60 minutes long

Intermediate (ages 13 & up)
Learn to swim in a comfortable atmosphere. You will be given individual instruction in a group setting. Must be comfortable in deep water.
10 people per class   60 minutes long

Teen/Adult Fit Swim (13 & up)
Designed for Participants who have completed Level 6 and can perform 50 yards front crawl and back crawl, 25 yards elementary backstroke, side stroke and butterfly. Participants will learn a variety of techniques, build endurance and review safety skills.
10 people per class   60 minutes long

Adult Fit Swim (ages 18 & up)
Designed for Participants who can perform 50 yards front crawl and back crawl, 25 yards elementary backstroke, side stroke and butterfly. Participants will learn a variety of techniques, build endurance and review safety skills.
10 people per class   60 minutes long