Campaign Finance

Campaign Finance Requirements

NY State Election Law requires candidates and their political committees to file Financial Disclosure Statements.

The New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE) receives filings of political parties and political committees supporting candidates for local and state offices. Please visit the New York State Board of Elections - Campaign Finance page, which provides further details.

2025 Contribution Limitations

Campaign Committees

Candidates and political committees are required to file in accordance with the calendar set forth by the state. 

For information on how to set up campaign committees can be obtained by calling 516-571-2411, sending us an email, or visiting us at:

240 Old Country Road
Fifth Floor
Mineola, NY 11501

Financial Disclosures

Financial Disclosure filings are open to public. These reports can be easily accessed through the New York State Board of Elections Campaign Finance page.

Candidates and political committees are required to file in accordance with the Campaign Finance Calendar set forth by the State.

For complete information, time and place for filing campaign financial disclosure reports, you can contact the Board of Elections at (516) 571-2411 or contact the State Board of Elections at 1-800-458-3453, or see Article 14 of the NYS Election Law and Part 6200 of the Rules and Regulations.

PLEASE NOTE: The annual New York State Board of Elections’ Financial Seminar for Candidates, Political Clubs and Committees will not be held in-person. In its place will be a series of WEBINARS. The first three dates in their Webinar series is listed below.

Each webinar will include a PowerPoint presentation on campaign financial disclosure requirements as defined in New York State Election Law to assist candidates and committees in understanding the law and the disclosure process, as well as an interactive component where questions ma be asked.


Pre-registration can be made via the State’s website,, or by telephone at 1-800-458-3453 or 1- 518-474-8200. 

Report PeriodCut-Off DateFiling Date
32 Day Pre-PrimaryMay 20, 2019May 24, 2019
11 Day Pre-PrimaryJune 10, 2019June 14, 2019
27 Day Post-PrimaryJuly 1, 2019July 5, 2019
24-Hour Notice: June 11, 2019 thru June 24, 219** 
Additionally Independent Expenditure 24 Hour Notic:
May 26, 2019 thru June 24, 2019***