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Health Department

Posted on: July 5, 2023

[ARCHIVED] Air Quality Health Advisory Issued for Friday, June 30, 2023

Mineola, NY – New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has issued a statewide Air Quality Health Advisory, for Friday, June 30, 2023, due to the presence of fine particulate matter from Canadian wildfires. There is a possibility that the Air Quality Health Alert may be extended through the weekend.

We would like to remind our residents of ways to remain healthy in the event of poor air quality in Nassau County:

  • Remain aware of your local Air Quality Index (AQI). AQI can be checked by visiting
  • All residents, especially those with respiratory or heart conditions, children, and the elderly, are advised to limit outdoor activity when AQI reaches an unhealthy level.
  • Exposure to the particulate matter may cause eye, nose and throat irritation, shortness of breath and chest pain. Those who experience shortness of breath or chest pain should immediately seek medical attention.
  • When AQI is at an unhealthy level, well-fitting filtration masks, such as N-95, can be used to reduce exposure for those who must be outdoors for significant periods of time and who are a part of the sensitive group.
  • Whenever possible, residents should keep windows closed, or use a purifier or air conditioner with a high-efficiency filter. 

For additional information, please visit the NYSDEC and NYSDOH websites, or call the NYSDEC air quality hotline at 1-800-535-1345.

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