Frequently Asked Questions

This information is current as of December 1, 2019. If there is a conflict in the information presented; the language of the County's collective bargaining agreements, the Ordinance and NYSHIP contract and rules will take precedence.

Answers to typical questions (FAQ's) about the health insurance provided to Nassau County employees, retirees, and other enrollees (such as spouses, domestic partners, and dependents) can be found in this section of the website. The FAQs are provided in the categories listed below – a link to each category is provided.

New EmployeesCovering Your SpouseCovering Your Children
Covering Your Domestic PartnerEffective Date of Coverage for Dependents - Empire Plan (NYSHIP)Effective Date of Coverage for Dependents- HMO's
Health Insurance Buy Back ProgramSmart SavingsCoverage for Employees who are Temporarily off Payroll
Continuing Health Benefits after Leaving County EmploymentCOBRAHealth Benefits Retirement for Employees Over Age 55
Continuation of Health Benefits as a VesteeBenefits for Survivors of Deceased County Employees and RetireesRetirees
Dental Insurance for County Employees - HealthPlexVision Care Benefits thru Davis Vision 
Flexible Spending Account
Providing Supporting Documentation


Download, view and/or print all of the FAQ's and answers (24 pages) (PDF)

If you need information on a topic that is not included on the FAQ page,active employees should contact your department's Human Resources Officer.All other enrollees should contact us.