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Legislative District 04

Posted on: March 25, 2022



Legislator Denise Ford joined with the Nassau County Legislature to honor 3 police officers who took a dangerous suspect off the streets who committed numerous crimes, including attempted murder and robbery.

On February 28th, Bureau of Special Operations Officers Robert Psomas and Michael Sierzant noticed a black Dodge Charger that matched the description of a vehicle used in a gunpoint robbery. A license plate check revealed that the vehicle was stolen, and that the occupant was potentially armed and dangerous. The officers attempted to pull the vehicle over, but it refused to stop and during the pursuit crashed. As the officers exited their vehicle, the occupant of the car fired two shots at them, striking the police car. The subject refused to give up the weapon and surrender and began to aggressively drive his damaged vehicle. As First Precinct Officers arrived on the scene, the driver exited the vehicle and fired his weapon at the Officers again and fled on foot.  BSO conducted a yard to yard search and Lt Daniel Delargy found the gunman and ordered him to drop his weapon. He complied and was arrested.  He was charged with two counts of attempted murder of a police officer, a separate attempted murder in Hempstead, a gunpoint robbery, and other crimes. 

“Thanks to these brave officers, this dangerous individual is off the streets,” Legislator Ford said. “These officers were shot at and could have been killed by someone who clearly had no concern for lives. This is what our police are trained for.  Thank you for all you do.” 

Shown in photo above, left to right: Legislator Rose Marie Walker; Robert Phaneuf, BSO; James DiGiambattista, BSO; Keath Mishkin, BSO; Officer Robert Psomas; Officer Michael Sierzant; Lt Daniel Delargy; Sgt Kieran Healy; James Shanahan, Financial Secretary of PBA and Legislator Ford.