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Legislative District 08

Posted on: January 30, 2020


LD19 Extending Tax Grievance Deadline

The Nassau County Legislature has introduced a resolution to extend the deadline of the Property Tax Assessment Grievance Period until April 1st.

On January 2nd, the County released a new assessment roll for the 2021-2022 year. Despite the rapidly approaching grievance deadline, residents have not yet received new Notices of Tentative Assessment, leaving residents with just a little over a month to grieve their assessment before the March 1st deadline.

In order to protect taxpayers and give them adequate time to review their new assessments, the Majority has put forth a resolution extending the time residents will have to grieve their assessment one month, extending the deadline to April 1st.

Presiding Officer Nicolello offered the following: “Nassau County had a record number of property owners who have grieved their taxes last year. We need to make sure that residents’ questions are answered, they are given the necessary information they would need to grieve, and given ample time to file their grievances.”

In addition to the deadline extension resolution, the Majority will hold a hearing on March 4th at 7pm in the Legislative Chambers with the Department of Assessment which will allow residents to have their questions answered and voices heard, as part of the Majority’s mission to bring fairness and transparency back to the County Assessment process.

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