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Legislative District 19

Posted on: October 23, 2019



Assemblyman Ed Ra has introduced new legislation in the State Assembly to address the unfair burden placed on residents whose taxes will go down, but will continue to pay more than their fair share of property taxes because of the proposed five year phase in of Nassau County's Property Taxes. The five-year phase in was created at the urging of County Executive Laura Curran, to slowly phase in any new assessment tax increases caused by the recent reassessment in Nassau County. The phase in would spread those increases over five years but for residents whose taxes will be going down, they will continue to over-pay for five additional years. When the New York State Legislature took up the five-year phase in, they left this loophole open.

The new legislation introduced by Assemblyman Ra provides a personal income tax credit to homeowners who will see a tax decrease but, because of the phase in would not see their reduction for five years; paying more than their fair share for years longer than necessary. The legislation would allow those residents to see the relief right away.

This legislation has the backing of the Majority Caucus of the Nassau County Legislature including Presiding Officer Richard Nicolello.

“Long Island sends Billions of dollars more to Albany than we receive,” Legislator Bill Gaylor said. “In the County Executive's proposed phase in, residents whose taxes are going up will be aided by not having to pay the full increase in the first year, but the residents who will be going down will continue to over-pay for an additional five years. This bill provides critical relief to residents whose taxes will be going down, ensuring they pay their fair share. The Majority will continue to do everything in our power to fight for the best deal for Nassau Residents."

The current situation came after County Executive Laura Curran unfroze the assessments and demanded a reassessment that bypassed the state’s 6%/20% cap on assessment changes. The process, which encountered numerous problems, and errors by the appointed County Assessor David Moog, left half of Nassau County residents pitted against the other half.

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