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Legislative District 19

Posted on: November 8, 2018


narcan prevention workshop

Monday, November 26, 2018  •  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Bellmore Presbyterian Church – 2740 Martin Ave., Bellmore


You can save the life of a loved one from overdose!


Every day, at least one Long Islander dies from an opiate overdose. And those are only the ones we know of – the ones directly caused by heroin or prescription painkillers such as Percoset or Oxycodone.  If you don’t think it can happen to someone you care about, please think again.  Overdoses can happen to anyone.

Legislator Steve Rhoads and Legislator Tom McKevitt are sponsoring this event in conjunction with the Nassau County Department of Human Services to teach residents what to do in case of an overdose and to help them learn how to administer the life-saving, overdose-reversal agent called Naloxone, or “NARCAN.”  NARCAN is the antidote to an opioid overdose and all attendees will receive a free package.

reservations are required FOR THIS WORKSHOP  

To reserve your seat and free NARCAN package, please contact Legislator Rhoads’ office:

516-571-6219   -


You may also register online at:

Please note that Social Work and OASAS CE credits are available.

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