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Legislative District 19

Posted on: June 28, 2018



On the heels of last month's action to restrict the sale of e-cigarettes, Juuls, vapes as well as all tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21 throughout Nassau County, Nassau County Legislator Steve Rhoads is proud to announce that the County Legislature has passed through Committees new legislation, which was co-sponsored by Legislator Rhoads, that will restrict the point-of-sale advertising of vapes, Juuls, and e-cigarettes inside convenience stores.

The legislation will forbid these products from being displayed near candy or toys and require them to be sold from behind the counter. These dangerous products have been marketed towards children, with flavors like bubble gum, cotton candy and others. By displaying them next to candy, trading cards or toys, they are encouraging children and young adults to think they are harmless when it is becoming increasingly apparent that the truth is very much to the contrary.

While the technology is still relatively new, recent scientific studies have already found a number of harmful metals and chemicals in e-cigarette vapors. Some are suspected carcinogens like formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Additionally, recent studies have shown that substances in some e-liquids that were considered harmless at room temperature could become toxic — but only after they were heated by an e-cig’s internal coil which turns the liquid into vapor. Additionally, it has always been known that e-cigs, Juuls and vapes contain Nicotine, which is highly addictive and may itself be dangerous when consumed in large quantities.

In taking these actions, the Legislature is swiftly moving to combat a growing threat. The fine for stores for violating this policy will start at $250. Final consideration of the bill before the full County Legislature will be July 9th.

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