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The original item was published from 8/19/2015 3:22:00 PM to 8/19/2015 3:33:14 PM.

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Legislative District 04

Posted on: August 19, 2015

[ARCHIVED] Free Legal Consultations for Seniors at the Nassau County Bar Association


The Nassau County Bar Association is offering free legal consultations for Nassau County residents 65 and older on Wednesday, Sept. 16, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Bar Assn., 15th & West Streets in Mineola, a block south of Old Country Road. There is no charge for these consultations with attorney members of the Bar Association, but advance registration is required, and you must arrive by 10:30. To register or request further information, please call 516-747-4070. Non-English speakers may ask the operator for the Language Line. Here is the schedule through June 2016:

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