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Department Of Shared Services Office of Purchasing and Solicitation Boards
The Department of Shared Services Office of Purchasing provides bid solicitation services to all County departments and manages the County’s formal and informal bid solicitation boards. Nassau County is committed to offering a transparent, efficient, competitive, and inclusive procurement process open to all vendors interested in doing business with the County. We ask that all vendors register at no cost by visiting this site. Registering as a Nassau County vendor will enable you to download and respond to County solicitations and identify specific commodity categories you offer to receive email notification of relevant solicitations.
For Formal Solicitations, please click here to view open Formal Solicitation Board
Please click here to view open Informal Solicitations (solicitations with estimated cost of $10,000 or less)
Purchases are subject to NY State Municipal bidding law and Nassau County Charter requirements, which require the following:
- Purchases under $5,000 do not require competitive bids. Additional quotes may be requested if the Buyer deems it appropriate for savings potential.
- Purchases $5,000 to $10,000 - The Buyer must obtain and record at least three written quotations from the vendors. The bid is posted on the informal bid board.
- Purchases greater than $10,000 - The Buyer must prepare a Formal Sealed Bid which has a separate set of compliance rules requiring strict adherence. The sealed bid is posted on the formal bid board and advertised in the New York Post.
- Vendors generally are given a minimum of 5 days to respond to informal bid solicitations. Most formal bids provide at least 15 days to respond. Vendors are advised to consult the specific solicitation for the response due date. Sealed bids are opened publicly at a precise, prescribed time and location. Other procedural requirements may apply as stipulated in the specific solicitation.
- The lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications is awarded the purchase order or contract.
There are exceptions to the Formal Sealed Bid rules for other types of solicitations, including but not limited to, documented sole source solicitations, and New York State Office of General Services contract items or services.
Purchases of $100,000 or more must be presented to the Nassau County Legislature Rules Committee for approval unless ordered under NYS contract authority.
Contact Us
Melissa Gallucci
Commissioner of Shared ServicesPhone: 516-571-4200Allison Malhame
Chief Deputy Commissioner of Shared Services
Phone: 516-571-5801Joseph Bocci
Deputy Commissioner of Shared Services
Phone: 516-571-4012Claudia Colasurdo
Technical Coordinator IIPhone: 516-571-6433Michael Schlenoff
Purchasing SupervisorPhone: 516-571-4042Melanie Leonard
Administrative Officer IIPhone: 516-571-4042Grant Benedis
Administrative AssistantPhone: 516-571-4061Mark Clemens
BuyerPhone: 516-571-6109Tim Funaro
BuyerPhone: 516-571-7720Fernando Rodriguez
Phone: 516-571-5820Kimberly Stanton
BuyerPhone: 516-571-6679Maria Mangibin
Phone: 516-571-4069Anette Sullivan
BuyerPhone: 516-571-6103Vivian CrowleyBuyer
Phone: 516-571-4047Deanna Prendergast
Buyer Trainee
Phone: 516- 571-1211